NuNano’s Pick of AFM Papers 2024

Each year our ‘nice’ list of papers is sourced from AFM community members like you getting in touch to share your favourites from the year, as well as from within our team at NuNano. The ‘long list’ was longer than ever this year, but we’ve trimmed it to a very festive 12. 

Our eclectic mix includes some interesting new approaches to AFM such as one on a new image analysis platform for AFM and one on using AI to automate AFM experiments which is a subject we’re following with close interest. 

2D materials are huge right now so we couldn’t have a list that didn’t include a paper about them. Equally, we’ve spotted some intriguing work using HS-AFM to really push the boundaries of biology – and creating some beautiful AFM images and movies in the process too as two of our top Nature paper picks demonstrate. 

With your appetite hopefully appropriately whetted, we are delighted to share our top pick of papers published in 2024 (in alphabetic order!): 

  • Diana M. Arvelo, Clara Garcia-Sacristan, Enrique Chacón, Pedro Tarazona, Ricardo Garcia; Interfacial water on collagen nanoribbons by 3D AFM. J. Chem. Phys. 28 April 2024; 160 (16): 164714.  AFM: Cypher S (Asylum Research) AFM Probe: USC-F1.2-k7.3 (NanoAndMore) and ArrowUHF AuD (NanoAndMore)

What did you think? What have we missed off the list? Please do feel free to send us your thoughts and any favourite papers that you would recommend we added to our January reading list by emailing us