University of Bath Student Projects
This year we have had the pleasure of supervising several University of Bath students during their final year projects. George Stockbridge, Peter Savill, Alex Tse and Sathvik Chatakondu combined mechanical data they collected themselves, with COMSOL modelling, to investigate the effects of various key parameters on cantilevers properties.
A computer model of a NuNano SCOUT 350 in the COMSOL Multiphysics finite-element modelling platform.
George shared his experiencing of working on the project with NuNano:
“The primary goal of our project was to investigate the relationship between the cantilever dimensions, different metallic coatings, and certain key mechanical properties. After performing some finite element modelling and overcoming quite a few data processing complications, we were extremely pleased to obtain some great looking simulations to compare with our collected data.
We loved working with NuNano, as it gave us the opportunity to get extremely valuable experience collaborating and solving problems with a real-world industrial client, which most of our peers (carrying out lecturer-set projects) missed out on.
Knowing that we were doing our project not just for its own sake, but that NuNano would (hopefully!) gain some genuine insight from it was highly motivating and made it feel less arbitrary and much more worthwhile.
We would have loved more time to investigate in more detail, but we had to leave something for next year’s final years to do!
I also loved visiting the lab in Bristol!”
We look forward to working with more students on future projects.